Liberty Heights Fresh
• 06 April 2007
Today my thoughtful friend Carey offered to take care of E. and L this morning while I did whatever I wanted for 2.5 hours with only little S in tow. Utter bliss I tell you! I made the most of it getting little errands done--one of which was a trip to Liberty Heights Fresh to grab a few gourmet goodies for B's Easter basket. He loves specialty drinks, especially root beers and fruit drinks, and Liberty Heights Fresh is a great place for those so I grabbed a few. I also picked up some of their chocolate covered almonds dusted in Dutch cocoa powder. I've eyed them for a long time and finally decided to pick up a little box today. Last but not least I snagged some Italian chocolate Easter eggs for added color and flavor. This little corner market is a foodie haven and if you haven't been there yet, go soon! It's fantastic. On my way out I noticed large bunches of fresh cherry tree branches for sale. They were gorgeous! If you have a large decorative pot in your home these would be the perfect statement for Spring.
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