Monday night I crashed. It was as if five months of sleep deprivation finally caught up to me and I couldn't ignore it any longer. I went to bed at 6:45 and woke up the next day at about 6:45! Boy it felt good.
I woke up briefly to take out my contacts and I heard B. putzing around the kitchen and figured he was just doing the dishes--not doing the dishes and organizing drawers in desperate need of some serious TLC. Reaching for a knife, spoon and spatula today was significantly more pleasant because this time, I could actually see what I was reaching for instead of digging and digging and digging...
Funky drawer organizer purchased at IKEA for a mere 12.99. IKEA, I'm so glad you live here now too!
Thanks for giving me public credit! I wish I could say I was always doing things to make your life easier!