It's fairly difficult for me to find an advent calendar that I love to hang in a prominent place in my home; but lately I feel like I've seen too many and now I can't decide. I even saw a Thanksgiving advent calendar today...has anyone else ever seen that? I love the idea of having my kids write down one thing they are thankful for that day and then placing it in the appropriate pouch. Brilliant!
Here are some of my favorites:
Just yesterday I was online looking for a great family advent. These are all great choices! Most selections out there are cheap and ugly.PB Kids also has a great Halloween Advent that was just recently marked down to 29.99 that I ordered for next year. I really like the Mittens and was thinking of ordering that for this year. It's hard to consider making one when a really cute one is only about $70. You could easily spend that on making the darn thing not to mention a lot of time.
ReplyDeleteditto, ditto. love this idea. thanks for the fabulous links! ps. your little tags are in the mail. how fun it was to meet you on saturday. thanks for saying hello!
ReplyDeleteI am buying a Lindt Chocolate one. I know it is only cardboard but who doesn't love chocolate? And then no packing away after the season is over.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, Lou-Lou! A chocolate advent calendar! Actually, I love the ones that incorporate the Nativity in their design, mostly because I think it helps you to focus on the real meaning of Christmas, but also because I am hooked on collecting Nativity sets. A custom in many Latin American countries that helps count down the days until Christmas is where they take a large area and make a whole Nativity scene or "Nacimiento", only they don't put the baby Jesus there in the manger until Christmas, and each day the family moves the figures of the shepherds and wise men closer to the stable, where they arrive on Christmas Day. They often decorate the "ground" throughout the scene with colored seeds, woodshavings, or plant materials, all layed out in designs. That would be a fun tradition with a family, but probably not with toddlers around.
ReplyDeleteI think I like the birdhouse advent. It is different and so interesting to look at........Neal is enjoying all the different types of birds around here so this would be his favorite too. Although the chocolate ones from Trader Joes have been a favorite of ours too.
ReplyDeleteI love the Thanksgiving advent too, what a great idea. Oh and by the way, Happy Birthday! Hope your doing something extra special just for you today!
ReplyDeleteI bought the give thanks one last week. I am starting a family tradition to do a random act of kindness everyday in november, and this is going to help (I cant decide if we get a treat if we do it, or if we write what we did and read them at FHE each week. While the kids are small...the treat may work!