stephmodo: Because Sometimes it's Nice to...

Because Sometimes it's Nice to...

• 03 May 2008

...fore go the pb&j, quesadillas or Annie's organic mac n cheese in favor of something more adult--something more like what you used to eat during your corporate job lunch pre-staying-at-home with the kids :)

I made a double batch of this and delivered a little lunch to a few locals. Honestly, I needed a pick-me-up that day and doing something like this made me feel a little better.

I used up all my remaining bags and boxes from Christmas & Valentine's Day so it's time to head to Xpedx and pick up more paper goodness! Love that place--it's the least expensive place to pick up gift bags, tissue, mailers, take-out boxes, and fun gable boxes too. They also carry the American Craft line of wrapping paper, tissue, ribbon, tags, etc. and it's pretty darn cute.


  1. I love that idea. Such good use of a day when you need a pick me up. So much better than wallowing, which I tend to fall into.

  2. Project for next week to snap out of the blues. And enjoy a proper lunch for myself, too!

  3. you are so darn cute and thoughtful. Wonderful example to all of us!

  4. You cease to amaze with all your ideas and time.

  5. What a great thing to do! And it sound so yummy! I don't think we have an Xpedx near us... :( Please show what you got!!!

  6. o how i wish i was on your delivery list!

  7. This is so inspiring. Thanks for the great idea!

  8. I made this recipe for a potluck yesterday and it was a hit! Keep the sweet and creative ideas coming :)

  9. And to think I was blessed enough to be on your delivery list! Thank you, thank you!



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