Abby's Walk
• 15 October 2008
A wonderful cause to mention today...
My sweet sister-in-law Abby is raising money for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk for the Cure. This organization is outstanding and consistently raises millions of dollars all in the name of finding a cure for Cancer. Abby wants to contribute to this cause so that someday, others won't have to suffer from she did when she was 25 and pregnant with her second child. What a nightmare it was for her! Especially being in a foreign country, with very little support surrounding her and her little family. Talk about tough times.
While Abby is cancer-free today, many are not. She set an ambitious monetary goal and is almost there...but not quite. So many people have been generous with their time and money with the hope that goals will be met, and ultimately, a cure will be found. If you care to donate a few dollars to this admirable foundation, you can do so here.
Have a great day and buy "pink" to support this amazing cause!
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