stephmodo: Kristen's Pad

Kristen's Pad

• 05 May 2009

I love my littlest sister's funky style. She has such a knack for decorating in a unique, budget-conscious way. I was thrilled to explore her Boston apartment for the first time recently and couldn't resist taking a few pictures. Here is a list of things I am particularly keen on:

1. those perfect, little shells all lined up in rows
2. the bookcase turned console turned record storage
3. an extra-long vintage couch in a fun teal hue (not that my vertically-challenged frame needs the length but it looked awesome).


  1. this is so lovely. thanks for sharing.

  2. I'm looking all over for a similar type couch, the closest I've found is Cher's from Macey's. Let me know if you come across anything.

  3. Thanks for the props!

  4. I love the picture of mother and child. Can you share who that is from/by?

  5. oh what a totally gorgeous space...and those records...swoon!

  6. The painting is called "Madonnina", or "Little Mother", and it's by Roberto Ferruzzi. It has been interpreted to be the Madonna and her child, and consequently was a popular painting to reproduce in the last century. You can find it easily, but the palettes vary from print to print. This beat up antique version is my favorite so far.

  7. What a lovely apartment! I'd love to see more photos! We are also in Boston and just adore it here. Next time you visit we should plan a gathering with all your blogging fans in this neck of the woods!

  8. I just love that teal couch. So fun!

  9. Go Kris! I love your new place - looks fun! :) Can't wait to see you soon.
    And Steph, you take such wonderful pictures. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Kris you totally scored on that couch. I have no idea where you got it but it's so pimp. I love it all. Especially the paint on the walls, did you do that? If so, what color is it?



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