stephmodo: Inside Look: Paris' Merci

Inside Look: Paris' Merci

• 17 December 2009

I recently stumbled upon some iPhone images I took inside Merci this past September. What an interesting experience that was...I rented a car (scored a hybrid!) and drove up to Paris with my 2 and 4-year-old children on La Maisonnette business. Looking back, I can't believe I thought I could actually get anything done with the little munchkins--just driving and parking in Paris can be headache enough, but add in two little ones and that's C-R-A-Z-Y. Luckily, my sweet friend, Natasha, who lives just outside Paris, offered to tend my kids for a day so I could double park my way around Paris and do what I drove up to do. What a gem! I thank her for even having a spare moment to snap a few pictures.

Anyway, after discovering an article about Merci in one of my French magazines, I knew another post on the store was in order--the magazine featured a massive spread on the shop and included lots of fun images for your viewing pleasure. I hope these images satiate your curiosity and give you a better idea of what Merci is all about. When I discovered that 100% of the proceeds are donated to a charity in Madasgascar, I was even more endeared. How refreshing that anyone does that anymore, right?

all images with print are from Marie Claire Maison; the rest I took with my phone


  1. who won the magazine give away?

  2. Winners have been announced...see the giveaway post!

  3. Hey Stephanie, so fun to see your photos and post! It was a treat to play with your great kids, and to tag along with you the day before! Truly, you were a trooper and we all appreciate the wonderful corners of Paris that you share with us so beautifully!

  4. More about MERCI :-) I love this shop and went to visit it back in Aug/Sept when I was on holiday in Paris...I love Paris and have a few wonderful friends living there.

  5. I read all through your blog as my husband and I prepared for our Spring Break trip to Paris. We added Merci to our list and it was hands down the best shop we visited in city. I love their style and the philosophy of the store. Thanks so much for bringing it to our attention!


Thanks so much for taking the time to drop a line. I really appreciate it!

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