stephmodo: Art + Activism = 30 Strangers

Art + Activism = 30 Strangers

• 01 July 2010

Looking for something different to do on Friday night? Something that will appease your senses and leave you with a warm fuzzy? Head to Justin Hackworth's 30 Strangers exhibit in Provo, Utah tomorrow evening between 6-9 in the evening. Here are a few important details:

: 26 West Center Street, Provo UT – (Map) Two doors West of Los Hermanos, and 1/2 block West of Justin Hackworth Photography

Who it Benefits : The Center for Women & Children in Crisis (great cause!)

What it's all About: For each day in April 2010, Justin Hackworth photographed a mother and daughter he had never met before. Instead of the usual session fee, Justin asked participants to make donations the Center for Women and Children in Crisis.

Attending Tomorrow Counts: On July 2 at the opening reception, you can schedule your own mother-daughter portrait session with Justin Hackworth for a $75 donation to the Center.

As Justin says, "Everyone’s invited. Don’t be a stranger."

images via Justin Hackworth


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