stephmodo: John Robshaw Textiles

John Robshaw Textiles

• 13 August 2011

I love discovering new fabric sources...good ones can be so difficult to find.  I've learned that it's more gratifying in the long run to buy nicer fabric and have a pillow constructed for a reasonable price (on etsy or Craigslist you can almost always find a taker).  It ends up costing the same as one from a nice home furnishings chain, yet you enjoy it so much more because it's "you" and carefully reflective of your living space.  These beautiful textiles and patterns from John Robshaw Textiles are stunning and ideal in small, vibrant doses.  Never underestimate the power of a gorgeous about good vibes and positive energy!

 images via John Robshaw


  1. My brother reupholsters for a living and I agree, everything he owns is so much cooler because he made it! And my mom has always made her own curtains.

    I may have to invest in a sewing machine and hop into those family jeans!!

  2. Hello! I just discovered your blog and I love it... The pictures are just beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

  3. motheringfromtheothersideAugust 14, 2011 at 6:58 PM

    You have excellent taste! Always enjoy your posts.

  4. I was so excited to read this. One of the last things I have left to do in our house is pick out the pillowcases in the dining room and living room.

    This fabric is gorgeous.

    Hope you and your family are having a great summer!

  5. Laura, you're so lucky to have a reupholstering can get so pricey I hear!

    Lauren, I can't wait to see pictures of your newly renovated home!! xo

    Daniela, I'm glad you stopped by!

    And Mothering, thank you for the sweet compliment...much-appreciated.


Thanks so much for taking the time to drop a line. I really appreciate it!

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