stephmodo: Welcome Storkie

Welcome Storkie

• 22 February 2012

I'd like to welcome new sponsor, Storkie, an online stationery site offering announcements, invitations, labels, and my favorite...custom wedding stamps.  If I could do my wedding over (a sentiment many of us feel now that we are older, wiser and have better taste! ha!), I'd love to create a custom stamp for my invitations.  I remember agonizing over the stamp selection when I got married 12 years ago and think that a detail like this would've been such a fun addition.

You can check out the custom stamps here and their other offerings here


  1. When I got married my invitations were square, so I needed the higher amount stamp than the standard first-class...and all they had was a horrid green trout. Seriously. That's what went on my invitations. I'm still mad about it 10 years later.

  2. Oh Emily, that is a great story. You've got to laugh about stuff like that...I bet you're the only one that remembers!

    I actually purchased two of the regular stamps instead of the one that was a slightly higher amount (and the one that I actually needed), because I wanted the pretty stamps that matched my envelopes. When my Dad found out that I paid an extra 39 cents each invitation he about flipped out :)

  3. Emily - I can relate! I sent my husband to the post office to mail our wedding invitations (with beautiful flower stamps on them). When he learned they needed additional postage because of their square shape, he added the most horrid-looking rooster head stamp to all of them. Of course I flipped out. We later put one on the refrigerator and every time we saw,it, we'd say "pretty bird" in our best parrot voice. Yes, I can laugh about it now!


Thanks so much for taking the time to drop a line. I really appreciate it!

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