We enjoyed a wonderful lunch there and B and I decided it was one of our best meals in NY, if not the best. The staff was very helpful and understanding re: S and lucky for us, and the other patrons, she behaved well. It was a nice long meal--it was nice to not feel rushed.
Afterwards we asked for a tour and the Dean of Admissions was kind enough to take us through (see pics below) the Institute for about 45 minutes. It made me want to go to culinary school once my kids are out of the house and in college....but that seems like an eternity away so until them I'll just keep eating at Les Madeleines!
Bonus: We were able to meet the famous chef Alain Sailhac in passing. B spoke French with him for a few minutes while I just stood there in awe.

Wow - what an amazing place. It would be such an incredible experience to go through.