stephmodo: Healthy Eating Resources

Healthy Eating Resources

• 29 June 2011

There is something about Summer that naturally creates motivation to eat healthier and I'd venture to guess it's because of two factors:

1. the imminent threat of donning a swimsuit (see my favorites here)
2. hot weather decreases our appetite and causes us to crave crisp salads and other "light" foods

If I added a #3, it would probably be "bad genes" least in my case! Don't you love when you inherit problems? :)

Regardless of your motivation, it's a good subject to talk about every now and again. And believe it or not, amidst the occasional made-from-scratch treat, there is a lot of thinking about and exploration of more healthy eating around here. Over the past couple of years I've made some personal changes that I've mentioned here and there including starting off my day with a tall glass of water, decreasing my dairy intake, eating less meat, and almost entirely eliminating soda from my diet. I have to say that I feel so much better. However, I know there is still room for improvement. I really need to get to know my neighbors better so I can offload those homemade treats more often. Lately they've been sitting on my counter far too long...

Anyway, here are a few healthy living and eating resources I think you'll dig:

1. Skip Hellewell's Word of Wisdom blog--he is Brooke-of-Inchmark's-Dad and writes a mean blog. It's actually really enjoyable to read about healthy eating and such from a man's perspective. I particularly appreciate the "healthy changes" indicated as well as the simple, well-designed layout. It's the best overall healthy living blog I've ever seen.

2. My sister Kristen writes a food blog called Glow that she created for those experiencing a myriad of food allergies, i.e. gluten, dairy, sugar, you name it. She was recently diagnosed with Lupus so she isn't updating regularly as much, but she has a backstock of 35+ original recipes at your disposal. If you know of anyone with celiac disease or gluten allergies, you should tell them about Glow.

3. I recently had an enlightening conversation with Teri Cochrane, a holistic nutritional counselor located in the D.C. area. Subsequently, I am now deeply fascinated with the whole idea of improving one's health, even serious medical condistions, by simply changing what moves into our bodies. I've enjoyed pouring through her clever "cookbook", which for the record was packaged so nicely in a gift-ready burlap bag. I've realized I need to become more creative with ingredients and exposing my kids to more types of food. I'm crossing my fingers the changes are well-received...:)

4. Last, the film that started it all...Food, Inc. You can view my write-up here, which also discusses how to eat healthy on a budget--something that's very important to many of us.

images 1, 2, 3 - Word of Wisdom Living / images 4, 5 - by Stephanie Brubaker for stephmodo


  1. I've made a lot of changes over the past few years (going back to my roots, my parents were in the original back-to-the-land, organic food co-op movement, lol!), and so many of them are habit I don't even think about it anymore.
    BUT, I cracked up laughing a few weeks ago when my 7 year old son was with me in the grocery store and I was buying Oreo cookies for my husband [yes, I'm still working on him, I have to let him have SOME junk food!]. My son looked at me really funny, and said, "Mom!!! You don't eat junk food, why are you buying Oreos??!!" He was just shocked, and it was hilarious but made me realize just how far I've come :)
    Mine are mostly: local organic milk, all-natural/organically grown meats and eggs, whole grains, and trying to eat lots of fruits/veggies.

  2. I agree. And it's always smart to start with small steps when a family is involved :)

  3. Giving up soda in high school was the best thing I ever did. Aside from eating right and exercise, drinking water is just about the best thing you can do for your body and your skin.

  4. Stephanie..
    You will make my dad's whole week with this very kind post! (And I agree, my dad writes a mean blog!)

  5. I love this list of resources because we've been doing really similar changes as well! Can I ask a favor? More weekly menu plans (maybe I've been missing them, but I haven't seen one in a while I think). As I sat down to make my menu plan this week I realized I'm so burned out of some of our staple healthy, vegetarian dishes, and we need a real shake up. Also, I realized too that most of my healthier dishes were designed to eat in wintertime. I need some good summer meal ideas! :) Thanks in advance!

  6. Oh I love this. Slapping myself on the wrist for not visiting your AMAZING blog more often....
    Looking forward to catching up now!


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