stephmodo: Ode to Summer

Ode to Summer

• 10 September 2012

Here in the Pacific Northwest we cherish our brief summers like many of you cherish a cup of coffee, a bar of good chocolate, or your fabulous babysitter.  The season is only about 7-ish weeks long and even then we are known to have some chilly days intermittently (I saw more than a handful of down jackets at the pool in July).  However, while short, these two months are absolutely glorious. Downright magical even.  I have to say that I've never appreciated or enjoyed summer like I do here in Seattle.  Undoubtedly, I ate my more than my fair share of cherries and tried to sit smack dab in the sun as often as possible.  

Today's post is my ode to summer and one of {hopefully} many attempts at being more "glass-half-full".   I know that for some, summer ends once the kiddos are back in school; but I am holding on to these last couple of weeks as if it's a competitive game of tug-o-war.  I will not be letting go before I have to...

1.  Baby Gray, throwing rocks and a vintage romper (from Etsy).  I wish I could package that little boy right up. 

2.  Exploring both on land and off, empty beaches within minutes of home, and a pop of red a la Corot.

3.  Homemade raspberry freezer jam and berry picking.

4.  Collections, texture and no socks.

5.  Lemonade, blue skies, and running along the beach.

6.  We may have looked a little silly, but boy did we have a great time on this surrey.  Admittedly, all I could think about the entire time is that song from the musical, Oklahoma.  "Won't you take me out in the surrey...".

7.  Hanging out by the water, encouragement and taking turns on the rope swing.  It took a village to get some of us out on the rope swing; you know, the one that drops you into icy, glacier water that chills you right to your bones!

p.s. I totally did it.  3 times.  I think I surprised my kids, which was pretty much priceless. 

What are your summer highlights?  Is there anything you did this summer that you are just so proud of?  So happy you did?  I love to hear how other people spend their summers and what they make time to do during this special season...


  1. Perfect tribute to summer! I get more and more excited for my long Oct. weekend in Seattle visiting my sister each time I read one of your posts. Thanks!

  2. Wow!! it was amazing,Wonderful pictures i saw right here.I like it very much this blog.Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures.
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  3. I'm moving to Seattle this fall with my three kids. Can you please share where that little swimming hole is? I'd love to share it with my family. Maybe even take a spin myself!

  4. I agree we need to cherish summer around here - it's so short! It looks like you have all of the perfect summer activities in your mix. :) I just posted yesterday abour our last summer hurrah!

  5. Lovely photos! You have a similar summer list to mine - I shared it here:

  6. Nice photos! thanks for sharing the informative blog.I wish you to post the new updates regularly.

    seo packages

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. We managed one big road trip this summer and saw tons of family and old friends, definitely my highlight. I also live on the rainy wet coast and found last winter so long and grey and I am cherishing this lovely fall weather. A couple of weeks ago we made it to Uvillage shopping in Seattle which is always a treat for me as well!

  9. Looks like such a beautiful summer! Though I love the summer produce, I hate the heat, so your brief, chilly summer seems absolutely perfect. I'm pretty jealous of all those beaches, lakes, and cherries. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos.

  10. I feel the same way down here in Eugene. Summers start late (July-ish) and sometimes end early, but they are always beautiful while they last! And...we happen to be having a magnificent September full of sunshine and warm weather! Hoping you are too!

  11. Stephanie, we also rode a surrey this summer, and Justin also sang the song from Oklahoma! I joked that renting that bike was the fulfillment of a lifelong dream...they are so adorable!


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