stephmodo: Mighty Summit

Mighty Summit

• 01 October 2012

This year's Mighty Summit could not have arrived at a better time; of course, one look at our family’s calendar that month may prompt you to think otherwise (we moved to another home in our neighborhood and a workshop to France was coming up).  But a retreat centered on planning a deliberate, thoughtful and ambitious life is always a good thing.  At any time.  I peeked at the list of this year’s attendees and found that I didn’t know anyone really.  At first I felt a short wave of panic, but I quickly reminded myself of the beauty that can be found in unknown situations.

A stroke of pure luck led me to room with Christine Koh, founder of Boston Mamas.  I instantly wished I’d known her when we lived in Boston.  She is kind, wise, authentic and blessed with enthusiasm.  I also enjoyed connecting and sharing notes with Kate (Modern Baby), who also lived in France for a year with her husband and two small children.  There is an ease about her that makes you feel like you could share your life story and she’d keep it safe.  And last, there was Katherine Stone, who waited for me at the airport for an additional 2 hours because I barely missed my flight to SFO.  I was so touched by her goodness and kind heart.

Before heading to Mighty Summit, we were to create (or add on to) a Life List, which is essentially a “bucket list” of about 100 things we want to accomplish during our lifetime.  As we all know, it’s so easy to become caught up in the day-to-day…not thinking beyond the next week or even 24 hours.  I’ll be forever grateful for Maggie and her crew for creating a retreat that essentially forced me (and 25 other women), to gather momentum for going out and doing those things that will enrich us and others.  If the opportunity to attend Mighty Summit hadn’t arisen, I would seriously consider attending Camp Mighty; because for me, and many others I believe, there is much to be said for strength in numbers.

The day we walked through the majestic redwoods of Northern California and met as a group in a grove was truly inspiring.  Many shared some of their most intimate thoughts and fears.  And then asked for help from a group they’d only known a few days.  These are the women who have my respect and admiration.  Vulnerability is a scary thing, to be sure; butt, it adds a depth to our spirits that talent and taste cannot.  In fact, Maggie already knows this as she gifted us Brené Brown’s new book, Daring Greatly.  Now there’s a person who really speaks to me. 

Now, there is absolutely no reason we can’t all uplift and support one another when it comes to achieving the things we always think about, but never do (I have many myself.  It feels a bit scary and intimidating to even think about accomplishing our seemingly out-of-reach goals.  This is something I know firsthand and quite honestly it can be downright paralyzing (this site will surely help!).  However, I do know that there is a peace that comes from moving forward with our goals--the type of peace that spills forth joy and satisfaction beyond measure.  And I wish that peace upon each and every one of you. 

Have a lovely week!

p.s. view professional images from MS here


  1. So jealous. Looks like a truly amazing experience!

  2. You have had some pretty amazing experiences lately, friend. So happy for you! Would love to see a peek at your life list. :)

  3. nice post ..
    really very nice your post

  4. love this post
    because your article is very interesting to read

  5. what a wondeful retreat! I'd love to have something like this in Spain :)

  6. I'm going to second the comment by Dandee -- it would be so interesting to know what's on someone else's Life List! The one I created when I was a teen is so different from what I would write now...

  7. So, so wonderful to get to know you at Mighty Summit my lovely roomie! Can't wait to see you again. xo Christine

  8. AH! Is this Armstrong Woods? I live so close.. exciting to see it online :)


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