stephmodo: La Maisonnette: Clearing a Stone Wall

La Maisonnette: Clearing a Stone Wall

• 03 June 2009

Our dear friend Scott was kind enough to join the Husband for a week of work, work and more work. What a pal...for 6 days he jack hammered the hours away and didn't even take a short break to tour the castle right. next. door. As a result of his efforts, we now have an extra exposed stone wall (vs. nasty plaster) amongst other little treasures. What a treat for us (and our future guests) to enjoy an additional 400-year-old stone wall. What a delightful and unexpected surprise.

Thankfully Scott documented this arduous process and created a time lapse video, which naturally caused me to appreciate him even more. I'm so grateful he did and I confess I will never look at this particular wall the same again. I believe he filmed the clearing of the wall over a five hour period.

Jackhammer Time Lapse from Scott Lunt on Vimeo.

...and the fruits of his labor--what a beauty! Now we need to figure out how to rework the rest of the plaster in this space...

p.s. after mulling it over, we've decided to call the house La Maisonette; this post as well as future posts will be labeled accordingly :)

You can view previous posts about La Maisonette here.

images by Scott Lunt


  1. Oh, the good ol' days in France! How I miss them.

  2. LOVE the movie! I could really get a sense of the time and effort Scott put in to make your beautiful wall come alive. I especially liked the shot where the door was in the frame and I could see the clouds floating by the castle next door. Sigh...

  3. SO pretty! Why would anyone cover that up with plaster? And dude, a friend who would go to France to work on a HOUSE? A true friend indeed.

  4. it's really wonderful, that house.

  5. i love the small world of blogging. i went to law school with scott's wife and think that scott and robin are awesome. how funny to see him pop up on your blog jackhammering a wall. it looks beautiful. can't wait to see continuing renovations.

  6. oh my, i love the castle in the background as the sun is going down. i saw his handiwork firsthand and it is amazing! what a pal!

  7. Emily, if you can believe it we've had two friends offer to come help us and we are so grateful for both of them. Friends like that are true indeed and hard to come by in this world!

  8. hi Debby. I love the small world of blogging too...and it is fun to cross link and see your adorable baby daughter. hope you are doing great! Steph, I don't think it was even a sacrifice for Scott to come- he had a blast! -Robin

  9. This was fun to watch, the house looks stunning and I love that you selected the name, that was my favorite of the bunch.

  10. Looks great Steph, can't wait to see what you do with it!

    { Lindsey }

  11. What a fantastic project! I love watching the progression... so jealous! Love your blog. I've nominated it for a Splash Award.

  12. Looks amazing! I would have done the same thing with that wall- it's so beautiful! Are you going to rent out L Maisonette when you are finished as a vacation rental? We'd be interested, I'm sure...

  13. Kyle and Lesley: we are definitely planning on renting it out. In fact, that is exactly why we are doing all of this!

  14. I am totally saving already so we can rent your house...

    the view from the window?!!!

  15. What a great friend. I cant believe your house is right next to a castle...

  16. This is just a dream to me, yet your reality!

    can't wait to read more

  17. That last picture is gorgeous. I would love to just sit in that chair and look at that wall.

    You guys are amazing.

  18. gorgeous. excited to see and hear more about maisonette!

  19. Steph, more than a week behind but loving the updates on La Maisonnette! Good luck on your next work/reconnaissance party coming right up I bet. So, does La Maisonnette completely occupy your thoughts during idle moments yet (if there are any?) The wall is beautiful, but the view of the castle is shocking. Bully for Scott and The Husband.

  20. Oh you got me thinking about this for days!...such a great project, I'm clearly not alone in looking forward to your progress! Again, thank you so much for sharing!


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