stephmodo: A Conversation with a Dairy Farmer + Finding Inspiration

A Conversation with a Dairy Farmer + Finding Inspiration

• 16 August 2011

Sometimes when feeling uninspired, the best solution is to simply do something different.  or go someplace different.  or read something different.  and most importantly, turn off the computer and/or your phone.  Last week when I was feeling a little ancy and craving a new type of experience I decided to pick up a Berklee College of Music alumni magazine while my daughter took her piano lesson.  Had there been optional reading material and had I remembered to bring my phone I likely would've used my time differently.  However, my mind truly appreciated the change and I felt immediately lifted just by learning about people and things with which I was previously unfamiliar. 

I also went blueberry picking with a friend for the first time (so fun! pictures forthcoming!) and participated in the most interesting conversation with a dairy farmer in Central Washington.  Two of my friends (Danyelle and Tamara), were also there with me and the 4 of us had some great laughs while learning a few things from this wise farm owner.  Alan shared his thoughts on animal rotation, crop rotation, organic products, sound business practices, trust (their store operates completely on the honor system), resourcefulness and God's hand in it all.  Did you know he even makes his own butter everyday by simply placing cream in a jar inside his saddlebag?  Apparently all that galloping churns the butter just right.  I can't imagine the joy of fresh butter everyday!  When we left the farm my daughter pointed out his seemingly adorable wife's license plate--"Mrs. Moo" it read.  'Of course it does', I thought :)  The bottom line is that getting out and doing (or reading) something out-of-the-box every now and again creates interesting and inspiring experiences.

What do you do when you're feeling uninspired and in the need of change?

p.s. if you live anywhere near Granger, WA, you should stop by and try the Pride and Joy Dairy's raw milk, grass-fed beef or fresh eggs.  Product is top-notch and reasonably priced. 


  1. I was feeling the same way yesterday and rearranged my entire house! It was wonderful!

  2. I absolutely agree - getting out of the normal routine is key to being inspired. Talking to people or learning about people who live lives completely different from my own. I like reading books set in a different time or in a different place, watching documentaries that allow me to learn, and of course traveling and experiencing things first hand is the best. Love this post.

  3. I'm tiny bit jealous that you got to spend the day on a dairy farm with inspiring people. Ironically enough, I've been looking online lately, trying to convince myself to make some butter out of cream (instead of making creme Chantilly & eating it).

    If you ever want to try something really different, take a drive to Eastern Washington attend the lentil festival in the Palouse (Pullman/Moscow area). Try out the ice cream. . . then go to WSU's ice cream shop (Ferdinand's). If you are lucky, you'll time things right to watch either the ice cream or the cheese being made. -- As a newly wed I had lentil fields out my kitchen window & a job at the WSU Creamery's direct marketing operation.

  4. I love meeting food artisans! I feel like they are always passionate and enthusiastic about life. I met a cheese maker once who said he always looks forward to going to work in the morning- he even had a cheese wedge wedding cake. Loved his zeal!

  5. It really was a lovely afternoon. How lucky we were to have Alan visit with us for awhile. xo.

  6. Rik, rearranging my house sounds awesome. I love that you did that!

    Mary, so interesting what you said about reading books set in a different time. Perhaps that's why I love Jane Austen so much...or Tolstoy...or even Stegner.

    Starr, great tips! If I ever make it there I'll take your advice.

    Becky, a cheese wedding cake? Now that's passion.

    Danyelle, you were so sweet to drive all that way just to hang out under the shade. Loved it!


Thanks so much for taking the time to drop a line. I really appreciate it!

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