stephmodo: Evergreen Gift Toppers

Evergreen Gift Toppers

• 21 December 2011

One of the best things about living in Seattle is all the green.  Green, green and more green.  I love the varieties of plants, bushes and trees all within a square city block.  It's an absolute visual treat!  I wanted to incorporate some of this local beauty into gift wrapping this year and snatched these {mostly} evergreen clusters up to play the role of gift toppers this year.  But seriously, even if you don't live in a place where evergreens abound, you can still put this idea to use...most succulents would make lovely gift toppers!  There is just something about the simple beauty of a plant that adds an air of cozy sophistication to a brown paper package tied up with string.

p.s. more simple gift wrapping ideas last case you missed 'em.  Happy wrapping!

images by Stephanie Brubaker for stephmodo


  1. Oh they are so festive yet restrained as well. Might have to borrow this idea.

  2. What a coincidence: I clipped some of the same greenery this morning from my garden to decorate the house. Your packaging looks great. I'm going to steal this idea, please. I've got everything but the string.

  3. Glad you like friends! Going about gift wrapping this way certainly simplifies things...something we all need :)

    Starr, that's funny...we're on the same page!

  4. Wow!! Beautiful! Love your wrapping ideas. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Great idea! These are gorgeous. We're lucky to live in such a beautiful place. :)

  6. Absolute perfection!

  7. I wrapped one of our gifts with greens and it turned out lovely. Thank you for the inspiration!


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