stephmodo: Good Weather

Good Weather

• 15 April 2008

Yesterday we experienced a true Spring day, which is much appreciated around these parts given that it's been snowing well into Spring. I think everyone in the valley was outside taking advantage of the warmth (my little family went on a picnic for lunch). IF I didn't have a little family, I'd be off riding on a bike like this into the countryside; up front I'd be toting this pretty little basket to carry my lunch (baguette, good salami & cheese, olives, fruit and chocolate!).
I'd better awake from dreaming here because:

1. I don't live in the countryside
2. I don't own a bike (let alone one like this)
3. ...nor this pretty little basket
4. I don't have the luxury of eating lunch by myself :) I get to eat with them!

But that's okay....that's what vacations with the Husband are for...and I wouldn't have it any other way :)

P.S. I think this little bike basket may come in a regular basket version too. I swear this little candy store on Chestnut St. in San Francisco had about 50 of them lined up against a wall full of sweets.


  1. You describe such a delicious lunch!

  2. Sounds like our idea of a great picnic is the same! mmmmmm.

  3. Design House has the shopping baskets $43 and they are fabulous!

  4. Love this basket...have 2 of them myself and use them for a variety of things :)

  5. LOVE this basket! A definite style step-up from the white plastic wicker ones with daisies that my childhood bike had!


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