stephmodo: French Inspired Smores & Retro Camping

French Inspired Smores & Retro Camping

• 18 July 2012

My in-laws are the proud owners of a vintage teardrop trailer that is about the sweetest thing ever.  When it comes to camping, this little guy enhances the overal experience so much that we now talk of saving up for one of our own someday.  While my husband's parents lived abroad for almost five years, we dusted off their teardrop and took it for the occasional spin--usually to Southern Utah or Northern California (Point Reyes is our favorite!).  We figured that someone had to give it some lovin'...

Teardrop trailers are fantastic traveling companions when camping.  The interior boasts a bed that fits two (although it's pretty cozy...but that's a good thing when camping, yes?); and the back opens up to an instant kitchen.  My husband Ben created many-a-homemade-egg-mcmuffin back there--a far more convenient scenario than our usual makeshift kitchen on top of the dirt!  Also, teardrop trailers are ideal for the family carting along a baby whilst camping.  Often I would sleep inside the trailer with my little one while the rest of the family camped in a tent nearby.  I could nurse in the middle of the night without interrupting anyone's sleep and provide a quiet place for baby to nap during the day as well.  

Also, if you've ever camped you know how important it is to enjoy great food while taking in the great outdoors.  Our new favorite camping treat are these S'mores with a French twist...only two components required.  Trust me when I say you'll never go back to traditional s'mores when you discover how easy and delicious these are to make when camping!  For me, these are a true highlight when camping and I look forward to indulging in them every, single time.  They're up there with our tin foil dinners, which we also make ahead for each trip.

I hope each and every one of you makes plans to camp with your significant other, your family, or your friends this summer.  It's an experience that cannot be duplicated and despite how much work it is to prepare for camping trips, it's always worth it.  Enjoy!

all images by me, Stephanie Brubaker


  1. love the pics and omg, those smores look fabulous!

  2. yayy for camping, love this teardrop trailer, now if i could only convince my husband to go camping

  3. what perfect timing!

    here's to in-laws and campers. Just recently my in-laws RV landed in my driveway {not as rad as a tear drop, but I'll take it}.

    While I've been busy "redecorating" :), it never occurred to me to research meals. Ha! I can't wait to try a scrumptous tinfoil meal at our maiden voyage this weekend. many, many thanks!

    ~ d.

    post script: don't just go, go big!

  4. LOVE teardrops. Have been going back and forth between a teardrop and an Airstream Bambi...we'll see what we end up with. Both are super fab.

    Ran into you (or past you) outside the Lion House last week. You and your darling family were sitting on a bench with perhaps your parents or in-laws and we were gathering our small gang and walking in. Wanted to stop and say "Hello" and how much I love your blog but you looked like your were so enjoying the family time and I didn't want to ruin the darling moment so I'll do it via comment..."Hi" and so love your blog. Hope to run into you again sometime when we are both on vaca in fabulous SLC. xoxo

  5. Oh how I wish I had done my blog reading before I had gone to the little store and picked up some mores fixings! I've thought of using the little school boys before, before then revert to the o,d classic by habit. Not next time. I'll remember. Thank you

  6. Wow! That was indeed a cool page. I really love the teardrop trailer. I am really dreaming of owning one. Thanks!

  7. Ali, that is such a coincidence. Were you the cute mom with the little girl dressed in the same dress as my Sophie? How fun! Please say "hello" sometime! We were meeting my aunt and uncle for lunch--they are serving a mission at the FHC. xo


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